Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Meetings, How to behave in

What follows are some general guidelines for librarians who attend meetings...

For Attendees
  • Arrive on time.
  • Bring a pen and paper.
  • Do your homework (if appropriate).
  • Don't talk over other people when they're talking. Wait to be recognized.
  • Pretend to be interested or at least pretend to be writing something from time to time.
  • If doodling, don't draw caricatures of your fellow attendees. Also, don't draw anything too funny that might get you in trouble when people see it and laugh out loud.
For Moderators
  • Arrive on time and have the room set up for the meeting before it is scheduled to start.
  • Distribute any lengthy handouts BEFORE the meeting so that people can do their homework before they arrive. It's no fun to sit around a table while everyone reads the same document.
  • Don't print multiple copies of something you can email or display on a screen.
  • Keep the meeting under control. When other librarians start misbehaving, make them stop. Use force if necessary.
  • THE ONE HOUR RULE: Under no circumstances should ANY meeting last more than one hour. Any remaining business should be continued at a separate meeting or disposed of altogether. Violators of this rule should have their ability to call meetings revoked.

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